Meet Carina




Muay Thai, Horse Riding, pub lunching and spending time with family

3 fun facts:

  1. 1. I have competed in Muay Thai, my nickname was Honey Badger as my coach said I was "small and aggressive"
  2. 2. When I was a child we had over 75 animals living in our house
  3. 3. I am a black belt level in kickboxing

1. What is your day job?

Sales Executive in a Builders Merchant

2. What made you get into pole?

Needed a new challenge aside from doing weights and had always wanted to try pole

3. What do you enjoy most about pole?

The feeling after a hard pole session and nailing a move that I have struggled with. Doing pole also helps improve my mental health massively.

4. What is your favourite part about teaching?

I love seeing my students happy during and at the end of a class, their excitement when they nail a move or a combo and seeing their confidence grow. Pole really helped me build my confidence and self esteem and I love giving that back to others

5. What is your nemesis pole move?

Anything needed a good upper back bend

6. What is your 2024 pole goal?

Ayesha deadlift, fonji, backsprings/flic flack

7. What is your favourite element of pole?

Strengthy and dynamic combos. They make me feel alive, and so badass when I achieve them

8. When did you start pole?

February 2016 and I haven't looked back since

9. Who is your pole idol?

Miss Filly, The Pole Wizard and Dimitry Politov

The Pole Hub instructor Carina D holding a pose on a pole
Cartoon drawing of The Pole Hub instructor Carina D holding a pose on a pole


  • Level 1 & 2 Xpert Pole Instructor
  • Level 3 & 4 Xpert Pole Instructor
  • Spin City Anatomy and Physiology

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